PureTifa Reads

I love to read! Nothing brings me more pleasure than cozying up with a cup of tea and good book and escaping into the world of wonders.
Often it is adventure, or love, or mystery, but frequently it also about building up my craft, learning new things, and inspiring myself to reach new levels.
I am so happy to be able to share the list of books that are inspiring me today, in hopes that it can help and inspire you.
Welcome to PureTifa Reads
PureTifa Reads

Connect with yourself, develop your intuition, live minfully

Crystals for beginners:
The guide to get started with the healing power of crystals

The empath's survival guide:
Life strategies for sensitive people

Bewitching the elements:
A guide to empowering yourself through earth, air, fire, water and spirit

The Green Witch's Grimoire:
Your complete guide to creating your own book of natural magic

Seventy-eight degrees of wisdom:
A tarot journey to self-awareness

The green witch:
Your complete guide to the natural magic of herbs, flowers, essential oils, and more

Hoodoo for beginners


Candle magic for beginners:
Spells for abundance, love and healing

Think like a monk:
Train your mind for peace and purpose every day

The chakras handbook